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1875 Beef is a Community Operation

You may have seen us on social media, or met a member of the team at one of our local pop ups like the Northwest Crossing Saturday Market - but what makes the 1875 Beef team so special? 1875 Beef is represented by a handful of hard working and community driven individuals who work together to prioritize this small town endeavor.

A man on horse in cow pasture

The beef industry within the United States largely outsources or derives product from large conglomerates, effectively removing the small town rancher from the map. At 1875 Beef, we wanted to do more for our community and more for the beef industry - so we cut out the middlemen and we buy and raise straight from the source.

We source our product from our own backyard and the pastures of neighbors, making us a community beef operation at heart. We are able to purchase at a fair value price and deliver our product straight to a USDA packaging facility in Eugene, Oregon. This allows us to maintain control from start to finish, when our packaged goods end up in shops, mercantiles, and markets across the state.

Cattle running in a paddock

1875 Beef is proud to be run and managed by real humans with real passion for their homes and communities, and we hope you can tell the difference this makes.

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